hyp7617 发表于 2014-5-5 21:44:29


本帖最后由 hyp7617 于 2014-5-5 21:47 编辑

以下是视频原作者transat236 (20 Percent Maverick)的视频英文介绍:
Here it is, finally! ManiaPlanet version 3 (MP3) is finally with us, and with it comes many many changes, as well as the new multi-environment gamemode for TrackMania 2! It was a fantastic launch day, with many thanks to the eXpansion server admins. Also had the chance to play with some big names in the TrackMania/ManiaPlanet community, including Purification and Smurf! :D
The new menus in my opinion are perfect, and the return of motion backgrounds for titles made me really happy. Overall, Nadeo have done a great job, ManiaPlanet is now a much better experience. You have to come and join the fun! ^^

10097b2 发表于 2014-5-8 13:04:33


LYDMX 发表于 2014-5-11 18:26:14

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查看完整版本: ManiaPlanet3(MP3)试玩视频流出,有重大改变……